Teaching with more awareness of the First People’s Principles of Learning – Marielle Humphry

My question for AbEd is:

How can I demonstrate First People’s Principles of Learning to the students effectively so they understand my intention and also learn and appreciate the Aboriginal ways of learning?

What I did with my students was I typed out each principle, then I had the students group up in groups of 4; some groups had 1 principles, some had 2, and I had them discuss what the principles meant to them (before having talked about them together). We then came together as a class and discussed them together (exactly like we did in module).

Then, I wanted them (and myself) to be more aware of the ways of learning, through these principles, through my lessons. First, I told the students which principle I was using today and then I had them write down for me how they feel we used that principle, or what we did that used that principle.

The next thing I did with this was I had them write which principle and why or how.

Attached are some pictures from this activity.

I also talked with the Aboriginal Support Worker with the school who directed me to a website which I found very helpful in the way that it explains the principles in quite a bit of detail and also gives strategies for classroom use.

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